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What is Michigan Law Online?

A free online primary law research service for all Michigan Bar members in good standing once they have a user name and password from ICLE and agree to the user agreement.

Michigan Law Online is brought to you by the State Bar of Michigan and ICLE.

What resources does Michigan Law Online include?

  • Michigan Supreme Court opinions from 1942 to the present
  • Michigan Supreme Court orders from 1966 to the present
  • Michigan Court of Appeals published opinions from 1965 forward (since the inception of the Court of Appeals)
  • Unpublished court of appeals cases from July 1996 forward (as PDF files)
  • Current Michigan Court Rules and amending orders from 1995
  • Current Michigan Rules of Evidence and amending orders from 1995
  • Michigan Rules of Professional Responsibility
  • Links to other Michigan primary law resources, such as the Michigan Legislature's Web site.

How do I access Michigan Law Online?

If you already have a user name and password from ICLE (from our Partnership or Online Books) follow these steps:

  1. Go to the ICLE home page and enter your user name and password in the blue login box on the right side of the screen.
  2. After you log in, you can access Michigan Law Online by hovering over the "MY ICLE" tab at the top of the page and then clicking on "Michigan Law Online." (If you haven't signed the user agreement, you'll be directed to that page first.)

If you do not have an ICLE user name and password, but are a State Bar of Michigan member in good standing, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Get or change a user name or password" link on the ICLE home page (under the blue login box on the right). Follow the prompts to have your information e-mailed to you.
  2. You may also call ICLE Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 5p.m. at 877-229-4350 for user name and password information.