Michigan Law Basics
Michigan Law Basics

Required Training for All Bar Applicants and UBE Transfer Score Applicants

This training is part of the process for being admitted to the State Bar of Michigan. It is required by the Michigan Supreme Court (MSC) and the Board of Law Examiners (BLE).*

The training’s six lessons provide a practical introduction to the areas of law that new Michigan lawyers are most likely to encounter in their early years of practice. Taught by experienced Michigan lawyers and judges, the self-paced lessons include engaging video-based guidance and demonstrations.

You must graduate from law school before taking this training. Also, although you do not need to complete the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) before taking the training, you must complete the training in order to receive your official UBE results.

After registering, follow the instructions provided to create your user credentials. Instruction is also provided via e-mail. Access is valid for 60 days.

What you need to know:

  • Engaging video lessons are taught by experienced Michigan lawyers and judges
  • Covers six major areas: civil litigation; criminal law; family law; probate and estate planning; real property; and torts and no-fault
  • Your National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) number is required to register. The NCBE will assign this number to you during the admissions process.
  • Access is valid for 60 days from the date of registration. If you do not complete the training within that 60-day time period, you will need to register and pay again.
  • Requires approximately 12 hours to complete—about one hour of viewing and one hour of reading time for each of the six lessons, plus time to complete the two hurdle questions at the end of each lesson
  • Upon completion, you will need to download your certificate and submit it to the BLE

*For questions regarding admission by examination or without examination, visit the Board of Law Examiners’ (BLE) website or call 517-373-4453.

CERTIFICATE. Earned entirely online. Self-paced training leading to a certificate of completion. Required for all Michigan bar applicants and UBE transfer score applicants as part of the admissions process to the State Bar of Michigan. Price is for individual 60-day access, starting from the date of registration.
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