Contributor Directory

Charles J. Schneider

39319 Plymouth Road Ste 1
Livonia, Michigan 48150
Phone: (734) 591-4890
Fax: (734) 328-6006

Practice areas: Bankruptcy

Charles J. Schneider has practiced exclusively in the field of consumer bankruptcy since 1984, with an average caseload of 30 Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 consumer bankruptcy cases per month. Since 1995, he has been certified and recertified in consumer bankruptcy by the American Board of Certification, sponsored by the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI). Mr. Schneider is a member of the State Bar of Michigan; the National Association of Chapter 13 Trustees (NACTT); the Detroit Metropolitan, Livonia, and Oakland County Bar Associations; the Consumer Bankruptcy Association; the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys; and the ABI. He has participated as a contributor, a speaker, and a panelist on ABI, NACTT, and ICLE panels regarding the representation of debtors. Mr. Schneider is a contributing author to the Aspatore Books "Inside the Minds" series publications "Best Practices for Filing Chapter 13" and "Strategies for Consumer Bankruptcy Appeals."

Featured ICLE Contributions:

Handling Consumer and Small Business Bankruptcies in Michigan (Book)
