ICLE | Health Law Institute, 23rd Annual
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Health Law Institute, 23rd Annual
03/09-10/17 Plymouth | CLE: 9.5 | MCJE: 9.5
Cosponsored by the Health Care Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan

Keep Pace with Critical Change in Health Care Law

Health care is already front and center in the news—and even more changes are on the horizon in 2017. Dig deeper with expert advice and essential updates on constantly emerging issues, such as ransomware, civil rights, and concierge medicine. Breathe easy knowing you’re prepared to help your health care clients. Plus, don’t miss newly reformatted segments that cover both hospital and physician practices.

Benefits of Attending:

  • Advise clients on ADA requirements for patients with disabilities
  • Keep current on legal and regulatory developments impacting physicians
  • Implement safeguards to limit the impact of ransomware attacks
  • Identify the elements and scope of an effective compliance program
  • Understand the unique regulatory and business issues facing start-ups
Available Formats
Attend in person. Networking opportunities.

Individual access to online materials.
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