ICLE | Negotiating and Drafting a Property Settlement Agreement (Feb 2017)
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Negotiating and Drafting a Property Settlement Agreement (Feb 2017)
02/02/17 Plymouth | CLE: 5 | MCJE: 5
Cosponsored by the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan

Understand the best solutions to typical issues found when property is divided during a divorce. In this unique, hands-on seminar, participants work in groups to plan and present their solutions to a hypothetical case study. A leading family law practitioner guides discussion, critiques each group, and lectures on selected topics. Everyone receives a complete set of faculty-drafted sample documents.

Limited to 27 participants, this seminar delivers focused faculty attention and the opportunity to hear from your colleagues. Participants also have a chance to talk one-on-one with faculty at the included luncheon.

This seminar is limited to Family Law Certificate Program participants and requires advanced preparation.*

Available Formats
Attend in person. Networking opportunities.
*Prepare in advance with print seminar materials sent to you four weeks before your seminar along with e-mail notification of when the materials are available online.

POLICY INFO: You must be a part of the FLCP to attend. The seminar fulfills one limited enrollment seminar requirement for the FLCP. Before attending, registrants must have completed the following seminars: Fundamentals of Divorce Practice and Procedure, Handling Child Custody, Child Support and Parenting Time, and Handling Property Division and Spousal Support Issues. Walk-in registrations are not permitted for this seminar.
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