ICLE | Handling a Divorce Case in Michigan, Third Edition
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Handling a Divorce Case in Michigan, Third Edition
Available in the Premium Partnership

Expert Guidance to Take Your Case from Start to Finish

Divorce cases can be tricky, but you don't need to learn by trial and error. Follow a tried-and-true, step-by-step approach, vetted by experienced practitioners. Avoid problems with detailed checklists, customizable drafted forms, and plenty of expert how-to guidance.

With this book, you will:

  • Know exactly what to file and when
  • Uncover critical personal and financial information
  • Use ADR to expedite the process
  • Obtain optimal custody, support, and property provisions
  • Draft a comprehensive judgment
  • Secure payment of your fees

Highlights of the latest update include:

  • Recent amendments to MCR 1.109 regarding personal pronouns
  • Updates on the Domestic Relations Verified Financial Information Form
  • Best practices on additional docket management systems
  • Advice on reviewing pleadings with clients
  • Tips on mutual restraining orders, ex parte orders, business valuations, and mediation

650 pages, 1-volume, 7x10 paperback. Includes a download of forms. Current to 06/01/24. Next update TBD. Subscription service available.

Fully searchable and continually updated. Citations link to Michigan caselaw, statutes, and court rules. Includes online index, downloadable forms, and summary of changes. Price is for a one-year subscription.

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