ICLE | Michigan Medicaid Planning Handbook
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Michigan Medicaid Planning Handbook
Available in the Premium Partnership

Address the Growing Need for Medicaid Planning with Confidence

Are you getting more and more questions about Medicaid in your practice? Do you know how to prepare an estate plan that preserves Medicaid eligibility? Or do you want to build a Medicaid planning practice? Michigan Medicaid Planning Handbook, written in plain English, answers all your questions, gives clear planning advice, and tells you how to set up a practice. It’s the only Michigan-specific book available.

With this step-by-step book, you will be able to:

  • Consider the impact of your client's estate plan on Medicaid eligibility
  • Assemble an effective Medicaid application for quick approval
  • Alert your clients to significant benefits for veterans and their spouses
  • Calculate the protected spousal amount, the divestment penalty, and the patient-pay amount working from clear examples
  • Avoid estate recovery when planning
  • Identify when, why, and how to go to probate court using sample petitions

Highlights of the latest update include:

  • A significant increase to the asset limit for Medicaid, subject to State Plan Amendment approval
  • Updates to the Bridges Eligibility Policy Manuals (BEM) including clarifying language relating to the homestead exemption
  • Updated numbers for the protected spousal amount, community spouse income allowance, divestment divisor, and homestead exclusion

412 pages, 1-volume, 7x10 paperback. Includes a download of forms. Current to 01/15/25. Next update February 2026. Subscription service available.

Fully searchable and continually updated. Citations link to Michigan caselaw, statutes, and court rules. Includes online index, downloadable forms, and summary of changes. Price is for a one-year subscription.
