Researching for a Clinic or Class?

Faster Research. Smarter Results.
Representing a client in a clinic or handling a big research project can be stressful. To succeed as a 2L and 3L, the smartest way to get fast and accurate results is by using the right resources. That's why professors and law students start their legal research with ICLE's Michigan-specific online resources.
Avoid wasted time with ICLE's 57 ONLINE BOOKS. Correctly frame Michigan issues from the start. Get the context and expert commentary you won't find anywhere else. These easy-to-use, continually updated online books seamlessly link you to Michigan caselaw, statutes, and forms.
BROWSE ONLINE BOOKSThe online books are updated every couple of weeks, making them an unbelievable resource.
Paul D. Reingold
Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor
Actually see how it's done by watching ICLE's ON-DEMAND SEMINARS. Successful Michigan lawyers demonstrate how to conduct oral arguments at a motion hearing, admit and object to exhibits, handle a legal custody dispute hearing, and more. You won't get this in law school.
BROWSE ON-DEMAND SEMINARSThe videos show you how to use your legal skills and hone them to become the lawyer you want to be.
Priscilla Ghita
JD, Wayne State University Law School, Detroit
Why risk missing important details? ICLE's How-To Kits provide step-by-step guidance to help you solve Michigan-specific issues. Successful Michigan practitioners walk you through everything from "How to Draft a Durable Power of Attorney" to "How to Form a Single Member LLC."
BROWSE HOW-TO KITSFor any task you need to complete, I'll bet there's a How-To Kit that will walk you through it from beginning to end.
Gary P. Bauer
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Thomas M. Cooley Law School, Lansing
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2. Enter your username and password. (ICLE emailed you this information.)
3. Research by practice area or resource type.
Your law school has a special relationship with ICLE. This enables you to get free access to our resources. Your professors authorize specific access for classes and clinics. Law librarians or other law school contacts authorize 60-day ICLE access passes.
Simply enter the username and password provided to you in ICLE’s welcome email.
Students in clinics and advanced legal research classes, as well as those participating in the 60-day access program, have access to all of the online resources available in ICLE's Premium Partnership (except for the ICLE Community, a private lawyer forum). Access 57 Online Books, 2,400+ Formbank, 200+ How-To Kits, 175+ On-Demand Seminars, and more. Access also includes Michigan Law Online, a primary law search tool for Michigan caselaw.
In other classes, professors may authorize access to up to two online books.
It’s easy. Check out this quick tour that shows you how to navigate ICLE resources and points out some of the most important features.
A statewide network of Michigan’s best practitioners. They work with ICLE’s staff lawyers to create content that is practical and current.
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