Ronald M. Sangster, Jr., is the managing member of his firm, which focuses its practice on personal injury protection claims for both claimant and medical provider suits. Before opening his own law firm in 2005, Mr. Sangster practiced for 17 years with the law office of Barry F. LaKritz, first representing injured plaintiffs and then insurance companies. He has litigated many cases in trial courts, appellate court, and the Michigan Supreme Court that affect no-fault insurance issues under the No-Fault Insurance Act. Mr. Sangster is an adjunct professor at Cooley Law School, as well as a guest lecturer at Wayne State University Law School, where he presents the defense perspective on no-fault claims. He is a frequent speaker on issues involving no-fault insurance, including annual presentations at ICLE no-fault seminars since 2005, Michigan Defense Trial Counsel (MDTC) conferences, the Insurance Alliance of Michigan, the Michigan Association for Justice, and many others. Mr. Sangster is the author of numerous articles on the No-Fault Insurance Act that appear in the MDTC's "Michigan Defense Quarterly" newsletter and the State Bar of Michigan's "Journal of Insurance and Indemnity Law." Since the advent of the 2019 no-fault reform measures, he has made numerous presentations on the effect of the measures to the Association of Defense Trial Counsel, the judges and research staff of the Michigan Court of Appeals, and the Detroit Bar Association's Wayne County Circuit Court Bench-Bar Conferences.
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