Michigan land use experts explain the ins and outs of zoning and land use, whether you represent the developer, the municipality, the landowner, or a neighbor. You will be able to: - Unscramble the unexpected zoning or land use problem
- Request a rezoning, special land use approval, or a PUD
- Represent the municipality or neighbor objecting to a land use request
- Make a winning presentation to the municipality or court
- Identify every approval or permit needed--including wetlands, woodlands, or historic preservation
- Make an evidentiary record at the municipal level so you can successfully handle constitutional challenges
Highlights of the latest update include: - Expanded caselaw under the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act and conditional rezoning
- Practice pointers on the Construction Code Act
- Discussion of recent SCOTUS and Sixth Circuit decisions regarding constitutional limitations on land regulation
- Enhanced coverage of the Open Meetings Act, the Federal Fair Housing Act, and Watercourse Access Regulations
PRINT BOOK 404 pages, 1-volume, 7x10 paperback. Includes a download of forms. Current to 08/01/24. Next update TBD. Subscription service available. ONLINE BOOK Fully searchable and continually updated. Citations link to Michigan caselaw, statutes, and court rules. Includes online index, downloadable forms, and summary of changes. Price is for a one-year subscription.
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