ICLE | Real Property Taxes in Michigan
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Real Property Taxes in Michigan
Available in the Premium Partnership

Apply proven effective strategies when handling an assessment appeal, a classification appeal, a tax foreclosure challenge, or any other real property tax matter. With this award-winning* book, you will:

  • Persuade the local assessor and board of review with the best evidence
  • Avoid triggering an uncapping of a property's taxable value
  • Structure transactions to avoid or minimize transfer taxes
  • Protect your client's interests in real property subject to a lien
  • Defend a tax lien foreclosure

*Winner of an Association of Continuing Legal Education Administrators Best Award for Outstanding Achievement in Publications.

Highlights of the latest update include:

  • Discussion of a Michigan Supreme Court case on the principal residence tax exemption
  • Expanded discussion of the holding in Rafaeli, LLC v Oakland Cty, 505 Mich 429, 952 NW2d 434 (2020)
  • Statutory amendments concerning principal residence exemption claims and appeals and the presumptive true cash value of transferred nonprofit housing
  • Court of Appeals decisions on the principal residence exemption, redeeming property, and industrial processing
  • A new section discussing tax foreclosure issues for mobile homes

376 pages, 1-volume, 7x10 paperback. Current to 10/01/22. Next update March 2026. Subscription service available. On back order. Expected ship date: 05/01/25.

Fully searchable and continually updated. Citations link to Michigan caselaw, statutes, and court rules. Includes online index, downloadable forms, and summary of changes. Price is for a one-year subscription.

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