ICLE | Michigan Probate Litigation, Third Edition
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Michigan Probate Litigation, Third Edition
Available in the Premium Partnership

Get the litigator's handbook that covers all aspects of probate litigation from procedural issues to substantive challenges to specific documents. Whether you're hashing out an incapacity allegation, a challenge to real or personal property, or a claim against the estate, Michigan Probate Litigation has the expert advice you need to win in court.

With this book, you will be able to:

  • Play by the right rule book, depending on whether your case is a "proceeding" or an "action"
  • Save time in drafting pleadings by using sample petitions
  • Choose your best strategy when litigating whether allegedly joint property is an estate asset
  • Successfully manage client expectations and avoid conflicts of interest
  • Effectively demonstrate the reasonableness of your fiduciary and attorney fees to the court
  • Challenge an instrument or defend against a challenge based on capacity or undue influence

Highlights of the latest update include:

  • A Michigan Supreme Court case discussing "willfully absent" during a divorce proceeding
  • New Michigan Court of Appeals cases regarding undue influence, surviving spouse status, the one-year limitation for potential breach of trust claims, and more
  • Updated 2023 Estate and Protected Individuals Code cost-of-living adjustments
  • Analyses of various unpublished decisions from the Michigan Court of Appeals
  • Changes necessitated by court rule amendments

484 pages, 1-volume, 7x10 paperback. Includes a download of forms. Current to 08/01/23. Next update TBD. Subscription service available.

Fully searchable and continually updated. Citations link to Michigan caselaw, statutes, and court rules. Includes online index, downloadable forms, and summary of changes. Price is for a one-year subscription.

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