ICLE | Criminal Law Update 2022: Michigan Case Update
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Criminal Law Update 2022: Michigan Case Update
On-Demand Seminar (Posted 11/28/22) | CLE: 0.5 | MCJE: 0.5
Available in the Partnership    

Jon Wojtala, from the appeals division of the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office, breaks down the most important cases from the Michigan state courts, including the following:

  • A supreme court decision concerning the right to a public trial
  • A supreme court opinion on the proper venue for aiding and abetting
  • Supreme court opinions on one-person grand juries and search and seizure
  • A court of appeals opinion on Sex Offenders Registration Act (SORA) registration
  • A court of appeals opinion discussing other-acts evidence
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Attend online at your convenience. Includes individual access to electronic materials for three years. These may include written materials, a PDF of the presentation, and any video or audio recordings.
Jon Wojtala of the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office covers the most important state court criminal cases from the past year.
Jon Wojtala of the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office covers the most important state court criminal...
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