ICLE | Administration of Trusts Under the Michigan Trust Code
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Administration of Trusts Under the Michigan Trust Code
12/05/24 Livestream | On-Demand Seminar (Available 12/26/24) | CLE: 4 | MCJE: 4
Cosponsored by the Probate & Estate Planning Section of the State Bar of Michigan
Available in the Premium Partnership    
Probate & Estate Planning Certificate Program Required Seminar

Advise Trustees and Administer Trusts Under the Michigan Trust Code

Understand trustee duties and liabilities under the Michigan Trust Code, investments from the fiduciary perspective, issues involving real estate held by the trust, the obligation to inform and report to beneficiaries, and trust distributions.

You will be able to:

  • Advise trustees on duties, deadlines, and liabilities under the Michigan Trust Code
  • Understand investments from the fiduciary perspective
  • Handle critical issues with real estate held by the trust
  • Inform and report to beneficiaries
  • Apply the rules related to distributions from the trust
Available Formats
Watch online on a specific date/time via Zoom or other video conferencing platform. May also be recorded and available afterward on demand.

Attend online at your convenience. Includes individual access to electronic materials for three years. These may include written materials, a PDF of the presentation, and any video or audio recordings.