ICLE | Masters in Litigation: Irving Younger's Ten Commandments of Cross-Examination
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Masters in Litigation:
Irving Younger's Ten Commandments of Cross-Examination
05/20/25 Livestream | CLE: 6 | MCJE: 6
Cosponsored by the Litigation Section of the State Bar of Michigan
Available in the Premium Partnership    

Become an Expert at Cross-Examination

Effective cross-examination is a critical skill for litigators. Weaving almost 50 video clips from Irving Younger’s classic Credibility & Cross-Examination: Including the 10 Commandments of Cross-Examination into a contemporary, trial-centered presentation, Stephen D. Easton examines the philosophy, psychology, and physiology of credibility.

Discover the modern tools for preparing a witness to be credible and gain skills that every lawyer must master to expose an adversary’s lack of credibility.

You will be able to:

  • Distinguish between what can and can’t be asked in cross-examination
  • Formulate short cross-exam questions using plain English
  • Control witness testimony to avoid lengthy explanations
  • Implement techniques to successfully attack witness credibility
Available Formats
Watch online on a specific date/time via Zoom or other video conferencing platform. May also be recorded and available afterward on demand.

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